Sunday, 2 October 2011

what did i learn in science computer for 13 weeks?

hmmm...basically i learn a lot within dis 13 week...the first i entered in Miss Aunah practical reaction was =.="(blur)...i do have some basic about computer...but only the really basic one...not to into it...btw, with miss aunah, 5 assignment i had done during her class..eventhough is was only 5,but it quite tough k...the first assignment was, writer assignment,and followed by spreadsheet,calc,impress and kompozer...the best part here was creating an impress...and it was just all about me..=) creating a slide was fun and i was able 2 dat very first i was uninterested in computer science but after taking part in doing all sort of stuff regarding to computer and with the guide of miss aunah..actually it was interesting and fun...tanks miss aunah for ur guidance..^_^


  1. yeke shibi?boleh caya ka hang tulis nie?HAHAHAH

  2. btul lah kte yg tulis...aiyoyo..hahaha=)

  3. n jgan lupa, bwt blog ni pown assignment jugak. yg paling susah punya assignment tapi paling menarik .:)

  4. hehehe tanks wanie...bru je kte siap..comment lah yerk...=)
